Melissa Giesberg spent her early childhood traveling living everywhere from Alaska to New York before finally settling in Texas as a teenager. Just like she wandered around the country when she was young, she wandered through a number of different majors in college from Architecture to Accounting to Computer Science before earning a B.S. in Psychology from Texas A&M University.
After college, while raising two sons, Melissa began to pursue her true love, art. Her artistic path was not unlike her geographic and academic wanderings -- moving from oil pastels (actually cattle markers!) to metal and finally to glass. Glass allows her to experiment with light, color and shape.
Melissa's studio is inside her Austin home just above beautiful Bull Creek.

A few miles west of urban Austin is a place where a creek flows through stunning wooded canyons and rocky hills. Golden-cheeked warblers nest in the oak-juniper and there have been bobcat sightings in the hills.
This area, known as the Bull Creek Watershed, is a unique landscape of graceful waterfalls, soaring limestone cliffs, moss and fern covered seeps and enchanting hilltop vistas. Today, parts of the watershed are a reminder of how western Travis County looked hundreds of years ago.
Information courtesy of the Bull Creek Foundation